Deleting Tasks

Sometimes you need to remove Tasks from your Project Schedule.

From within the Gantt Chart, you can Delete Tasks using the ‘Right-ClickContext Menu. (See diagram below).

Pulse Gantt – highlighting the “Delete” task option when right-clicking on a task in the Tasks panel

You can also delete tasks from the Schedule area in the Gantt Char:

Pulse Gantt – highlighting the “Delete” task option when right-clicking on a task in the Schedule panel

“Soft Delete”:
It is important to note that the “Delete Task” option doesn’t actually erase the Task from the Database.
Instead, Pulse uses a ‘Soft Delete‘ which removes the Task from the Gantt Chart and the Task List.
However, you can always see your ‘Deleted Tasks‘ by setting the Task Filters to include ‘Task Status = Deleted‘.

Bulk Deleting multiple Tasks

You can also bulk-delete multiple tasks in the Task view by Shift-clicking multiple rows of Tasks.

Pulse Gantt – highlighting the “Delete” tasks option when right-clicking on multiple tasks in the Tasks panel