Predecessors & Successors

What are Predecessors and Successors?

These are Timeline Items that are connected to other Timeline Items and have a start and finish dependency to one another.

  • A Predecessor controls the start or end date for all related successor tasks.
  • The Successor, by contrast, is the item whose start or end date is controlled by the predecessor.

A timeline with multiple successors and predecessors

How to Create Predecessors & Successors

1) Drag item to automatically create a Predecessor/Successor

  • Drag one edge of the initial timeline item to the beginning or end of the next item.
Video showing how to make a timeline item a predecessor through clicking and dragging.

2) Double-click item to fine tune a predecessor/successor

  1. Set a predecessor by double-clicking on a timeline item.
  2. Here you’ll be given a number of submenu items to edit your timeline.
  3. From there, select the predecessors/successors tab, click the green “+” button.
  4. “Click ‘Update’ to add the new relationship.
After you have “double-clicked” on the timeline item, you can select whether you want it to be a predecessor or successor in the sub-menu
Add a predecessor or successor by tapping the green “plus” button.