Create Brand(s)

Creation and Management of Brands is conducted via the Address Book with two simple forms. Only Users with ‘Manage BrandsPermission can Create and Manage Brands.

Note: In some instances of Pulse, ‘Quick Create‘ is enabled for Brands, allowing you to Create BrandsOn-The-Fly‘ when creating Projects.

If you have this feature enabled on your instance of Pulse – you can still come back to the Address Book to update Brand information at any time.

Steps to Create a ‘Brand’

  1. Go to Address Book
  2. Select the ‘Brands’ Tab
  3. Click ‘Create Brand’
  4. Enter the Name and details for the Brand:
    • If you have not yet created a Brand Category to provide a grouping for the Brand, see the steps below for ‘Create Brand Category’ on how to create a Brand Category.
    • Once the Brand Category is created, you can go back and edit the Brand and update the Brand Category setting.
    • Changing the Brand Category for a Brand has no affect on the Projects linked to the Brand. The only affect is how the Projects linked to the Brand will show in ‘Roll-Up’ Brand Category Reports.
  5. Click ‘Save’ to save the new Brand.
  6. Map the Brand to the required Offices
    • The new Brand will not be available to Users to access until the Brand is mapped to their Office – OR – to Users specifically.
    • To map a Brand to an Office or User, simply click ‘Edit’ for the Office or User and select ‘Brand Mapping’

Notes on Creating Brands:

  • When creating new Brands in the system, it is beneficial to think about which Brand Category will be used to be represent the New Brand in Roll-Up reporting.
  • If the Brand Category you wish to use does not yet exist in the system, it is easier to create this Brand Category before creating the new Brand.
  • Before creating a New Brand you should check the Address Book to see if the Brand already exists – possibly with a different spelling?
  • Once a new Brand is created – you should consider that the Brand needs to be Mapped to an Office before the Brand is available to any Users to access for new Projects.
Tips for Creating Brands:
– When creating new Brands in the system, it is beneficial to think about which Brand Category will be used to be represent the New Brand in Roll-Up reporting.
– If the Brand Category you wish to use does not yet exist in the system, it is easier to create this Brand Category before creating the new Brand.
– Before creating a New Brand you should check the Address Book to see if the Brand already exists – possibly with a different spelling?
– Once a new Brand is created – you should consider that the Brand needs to be Mapped to an Office before the Brand is available to any Users to access for new Projects.