Project Access Rules

The primary consideration with the Pulse security model is “What Projects can a User Access?”

In the Address Book, you can choose one of the following ‘Project Access Levels‘ to control what Projects a User can see.

1) Default Access: “All Projects in My Office”
By Default, a User will have the Project Access level of ‘Access All Projects in my Office‘.

This Access Level will grant Access to All Projects in the User’s Home OfficePlus – any Additional Offices they have been linked to via the Multi-Office feature.
2) Restricted Access: “Invite Only”
If you have a User who you do Not want to have Access to All Projects in their Office(s), you can set the Project Access level for the User to: ‘Invite Only‘.

A User with ‘Invite OnlyProject Access level will only have access to Projects where they have been specifically invited to the Project Team.
3) Special Access: “Network Admin”
There is a special permission called ‘Network Admin‘.

A Network Admin will see All Projects in their Network. (A Network is a collection of Offices.)

The Network Admin Permission is required for Users who need to manage Brands, Offices and Users in a Multi-Office environment.

These rules control:

  • What Projects a User will see in the Project List
  • What Projects a User will see in Global Search Results
  • What Project Data will show in Reports
  • What Project Data will show in Finance Dashboards
  • What Tasks a User can Access
  • What Documents a User will see in the Asset Library (DAM)

Note: Timesheet Access
These Project Access Rules do not control the ability to Log Timesheet Data on a Project.
To Log Timesheet Data on a Project, a User must be Invited to the Project Team and the Project must be Open for Timesheets.