Brand Category

Master Client – What has changed?

[Master Client is Brand Category in Pulse]

Screenshot of the Add new Master Client modal

We have introduced the ability to restrict a Master Client to a Network. Some Master Clients could be considered Global Havas MC, but others may be a small market only used in Brazil.

We have removed the ability to delete a Master Client but have introduced the concept of setting a Master Client inactive. Setting a Master Client inactive will also set the related Brands & Products as inactive.

The Master Client name must be unique. However, you can create the same Master Client if restricted to a Network. For example, you could have ‘Pulse’ as a Global Master client (that’s us!) but also ‘Pulse’ is restricted to a network in Istanbul and is a small Boutique.

You will notice an advanced tab that can be used to set approval groups. This is to use in a feature we hope to release in Q2 2023.

Screenshot of the Add new Master Client – Advanced tab

You will also see a ‘History’ tab that tracks any changes made on Master Client.

Screenshot of the Master Client > History tab

How to Edit a Master Client (Brand Category)

  1. Go to Brand Category in the address book /v2/address-book/brand-categories/
  2. Click to edit Sanofi
  3. Validate it shows a new design with a ‘restrict to network, ‘status’ and tabs of ‘advanced’ and history’
  4. Make a change and save
  5. Click to edit
  6. Validate it saves and logged on the history tab

How to Create a Master Client (Brand Category)

  1. Click to create a new Brand Category
  2. Validate it shows a new design with a ‘restrict to network’ which is NULL and optional, ‘status’ which is ‘active’, and tab of ‘advanced’
  3. Add a name
  4. Click to the advanced tab
  5. Click Brand Approval Group
  6. Validate it shows groups you have access to in alphabetical order
  7. Click Magnitude Approval Group
  8. Validate it shows groups you have access to in alphabetical order
  9. Save
  10. Click to edit newly created Brand Category
  11. Click History
  12. Validate the creation was logged