If you are attempting to add Timesheet records but cannot find the Project you need to add time to, you can press the “Why can’t I see my project” button on the New record modal.
You need to know the Agresso Job Number of the Project in order to use this tool.
1. Find the Agresso Job Number of the Project
If you have access to the Project, you can find the Agresso Job Number from the Project Dashboard.

Click the Job number that appears to right-hand-side of the Project Title – this will copy the job number to your clipboard.

2. Click the “Why Can’t I see my Project” button on the New Record modal
This will launch the “Why Can’t I See my Project?” modal window.

3. Enter the Agresso Job Number
Enter the Agresso Job Number into the field and click the “Search” button.

4. Follow appropriate steps to resolve
The results below will list the reasons that you are not able to find the Project and the steps you need to take to enable timesheet submissions to the Project.

There may be multiple reasons that you cannot find a Project – each will be listed with instructions on exactly who you need to contact to resolve the issue.

To understand more about the potential reasons that you cannot see a job in TImesheets