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Release Notes – RC21.0917


[#51725] BUG: Default Date Range not Working

Fix – In the Pulse Planner which was not respecting the default date range specified for the planner.

How to set the Default Date Range for a Plan

The Default Date Range is set in the ‘Plan Settings’ modal for each plan and this date range is used as the ‘range’ used when the Planner first loads.

Screenshot of the Planner highlighting 1) the Default Date Range and 2) the “Edit Plan Settings” link

To edit the Default Date Range Click the “Edit Plan Settings” link beneath the Plan’s Title in the Header (2).

Screenshot of the Edit Plan modal highlighting the Default Date Range settings

[#51726] Freeze top line so that dates are always displayed when you scroll down        

Fix –The table header in the Planner is now “sticky” or “frozen” so that it stays in a fixed position and does not scroll when you vertically scroll the table.

This ensures that the current date range and “Pivot” that you are using to “Group By” always stays in view.  

Screenshot of the Planner highlighting the table header area that is now “sticky” and does not scroll so you can always see the current Pivot and date range

[#51795] Change General Time Approval Export from CSV to Xlsx

The General Time Approval is used by Supervisors, Project Managers, and Operations users to approve timesheets.

We have updated the exported file format in the General Time Approval page to be XLSX  rather than CSV.

This fixes several encoding issues that could occur for accents, diacriticals and other special characters used in Project titles when exported in CSV.

Screenshot of the top section of the General Time Approval highlighting the “Export Xlsx” button

[#51567] Bug: Random languages used on Project Approval notification

Fix – We have fixed an issue that was causing the ‘Project Requiring Approval’ and ‘Project Approved’ email notifications to be sent greetings in random languages.

The language used in these emails now respects the User’s language settings.

[#51740] Inactive/active function not working for SAYT field

Fix – We have fixed an issue with the Pulse Rate Card System where inactive “Item Groups” were appearing in the “Finance Options” option.

[#51709] Tracking Codes – only one per Finance Item

Fix – We have restricted the Tracking Codes to a single tracking code per Finance Item Type in the Pulse Rate Card System.

Screenshot of the Rate Cards > Create Finance Item modal highlighting the Tracking Code single select dropdown

[#49849] Fix: Multi Office Access in Edit Project Details and in the Job List

Fix – The ‘Project Manager’ dropdown in the Project Wizard correctly shows Users in your Primary Office and any additional Office you may have access to via Multi-Office.

This permission was not respected when selecting Project Manager in the Edit Project Settings page or when using the Project manager filed when filtering the Project List.

We have updated the Project Manager select list in the Filters of the Project List to show the same set of Users from the Project Wizard.

Screenshot of the Project List Filters highlighting the Project Manager Filter

Similarly, we have updated the Project Manager selection field list in the Project Setting page to show the same set of Users from the Project Wizard.

Screenshot of Project Settings highlighting the Project Manager field

[#51724] BUG: Horizontal Scroll Bar only displays when you scroll to the bottom of the page

Fix – the horizontal scroll bar on the Pulse Planner which did not always show on the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of the Planner highlighting the horizontal scroll that is fixed to the bottom of the page


[#50768] Resize welcome/hero image

Fix – We have fixed the welcome logo on the Homepage Dashboard of Havas Orbit so it displays at the correct aspect ratio.


Screenshot of the Homepage Dashboard of Havas Orbit



[#51556] Bug: Overlap of contract client ids on project notification

If the Contact Client IDs(agresso_id)  are the same for two different Clients in separate Agresso Ledgers, the Project Approval emails would sometimes use the incorrect Billing Customer Name from the wrong ledger.

We added further rules to ensure the client ID is from the correct Agresso Client so that the Project Approval emails use the correct Billing Customer Name.

[#51583] Bug: Cross LEDGER PO in Bulk Amended

We released the Cross Ledger feature in the UK/EU to allow a single Pulse User Account to be linked to multiple user records for the purpose of setting the ‘Project Owner’ field.  This was not compatible with the Bulk Amendments tool which was an issue as ‘Project Owners’ are typically the users who are responsible for approving Project time. If they leave the company, the Bulk Amendments tool is used to bulk reassign the Projects so that they have new owners.

We resolved the issue that was causing this and now Cross Ledger Users & Bulk Amendments features work together.

About the Cross Ledger Feature

Cross Ledger PO  feature allows a Pulse User to be connected to 2 different Agresso Resources IDs. This means that a Pulse user/resource can be set up as a Project Owner two separate Offices that are linked to two different Agresso Ledgers and they will appear under both Offices in the Project Wizard.

Screenshot of the Address Book > User > Permission Profiles tab highlighting the Allow Cross Ledger option in additional Offices