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  3. Controlling the Visibility of Passport Widgets

You can now control the display of Project Passport Widgets for different users based on Permission and Role.

For example, when a client user logs in to a project, rather than seeing ALL of the widgets on the Project Summary tab they only see the Widgets you want them to see.

The default set of Access Rules utilise the Permission Profiles based on User Category:

  1. All Users with access to the Project (*This is the default)
  2. Operation Users
  3. Project Managers
  4. Account Users
  5. Clients
  6. Suppliers

How to Control the Visibility of Passport Widgets

To control the visibility of a widget you must have permission to access the Passport Design Page. This is usually available to Project Managers and Operations users.

Any user who is able to configure the Project Dashboard (PM/Operations user), will be able to set the ‘Permissions’ feature in widgets.

If a User does not have the correct permission to see a Widget on the Passport Design page they will see it in the layout, but it will be ‘Locked’.

Click Configure Dashboard

Screenshot of the Project Passport highlighting the “Configure Dashboard” button

Locate the widget you want to edit on the Passport Design Page

Screenshot of the Passport Design Page

Click the “cog” icon to launch the Widget Setting modal

Screenshot of the Passport Design Page highlighting the “cog” icon that is used to launch the Edit Widget Settings modal

Locate the Widget Access Rules field

Each Widget now has a “Widget Access Rules” field where we can control the display of a Widget for different users based on Permission and Role. Its location within the modal may vary depending on the complexity of the Widget.

Screenshot of the “Text” Widget’s Settings modal highlighting the default Access Rules

By default, the “All Users” rule is selected, meaning that any user who has access to this Project can see the widget.

Access rules are added using a multi-select SAYT (search as you type) field that is linked to the list of Access Rules.

Screenshot of the “Text” Widget’s Settings modal highlighting the default set of Access Rules that can be selected

Configure the Widget’s Access Rules

To limit access to a particular User Category or Categories, you would need to first remove the “All Users” rule and then select the particular User Category you want to restrict access to.

For example, if we only wanted a widget to appear for Client users and Supplier Users we would have only those two categories in the list:

Screenshot of the “Text” Widget’s Settings modal highlighting a set of Access Rules that would cause this widget to visible to Clients and Suppliers.

Click ‘Save’ to exit the Widget Settings Modal

Screenshot of the “Text” Widget’s Settings modal highlighting the Save button

Click ‘Save And Close’ to exit the Passport Design page

Screenshot of the Passport Design Page highlighting the ‘Save and Close’ button

The widget will now only be visible to the “Clients” and “Vendors” Permission Profiles you selected.